- Community Edition (operator)
- Enterprise Edition (operator)
- Community Edition (Helm, deprecated)
Add the Coroot helm chart repo:
helm repo add coroot https://coroot.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update coroot
Next, install the Coroot Operator:
helm install -n coroot --create-namespace coroot-operator coroot/coroot-operator
Install the Coroot Community Edition. This chart creates a minimal Coroot Custom Resource:
helm install -n coroot coroot coroot/coroot-ce \
--set "clickhouse.shards=2,clickhouse.replicas=2"
The helm chart
Forward the Coroot port to your machine:
kubectl port-forward -n coroot service/coroot-coroot 8080:8080
Then, you can access Coroot at http://localhost:8080
The Coroot Operator for Kubernetes automatically upgrades all components.
To uninstall Coroot run the following command:
helm uninstall coroot -n coroot
helm uninstall coroot-operator -n coroot
Coroot Enterprise Edition is a paid subscription (from $1 per CPU core/month) that offers extra features and priority support. To install the Enterprise Edition, you'll need a license. Start your free trial today.
Add the Coroot helm chart repo:
helm repo add coroot https://coroot.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update coroot
Next, install the Coroot Operator:
helm install -n coroot --create-namespace coroot-operator coroot/coroot-operator
Install the Coroot Enterprise Edition.This chart creates a minimal Coroot Custom Resource:
helm install -n coroot coroot coroot/coroot-ee \
--set "licenseKey=COROOT-LICENSE-KEY-HERE,clickhouse.shards=2,clickhouse.replicas=2"
Forward the Coroot port to your machine:
kubectl port-forward -n coroot service/coroot-coroot 8080:8080
Then, you can access Coroot at http://localhost:8080
The Coroot Operator for Kubernetes automatically upgrades all components.
To uninstall Coroot run the following command:
helm uninstall coroot -n coroot
helm uninstall coroot-operator -n coroot
Installing Coroot via the Helm chart is deprecated. Please use the Coroot Operator instead.
Add the Coroot helm chart repo:
helm repo add coroot https://coroot.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update coroot
Next, install the chart that includes:
helm install --namespace coroot --create-namespace coroot coroot/coroot
Forward the Coroot port to your machine:
kubectl port-forward -n coroot service/coroot 8080:8080
Then, you can access Coroot at http://localhost:8080
To upgrade Coroot to the latest version:
helm repo update coroot
helm upgrade coroot --namespace coroot coroot/coroot
To uninstall Coroot run the following command:
helm uninstall coroot -n coroot