Community Edition
This guide provides a quick overview of launching Coroot Community Edition with default options. For more details and customization options check out the Installation section.
- Kubernetes
- Docker
- Docker Swarm
- Ubuntu & Debian
- RHEL & CentOS
Add the Coroot helm chart repo:
helm repo add coroot
helm repo update coroot
Next, install the Coroot Operator:
helm install -n coroot --create-namespace coroot-operator coroot/coroot-operator
Install the Coroot Community Edition. This chart creates a minimal Coroot Custom Resource:
helm install -n coroot coroot coroot/coroot-ce \
--set "clickhouse.shards=2,clickhouse.replicas=2"
Forward the Coroot port to your machine:
kubectl port-forward -n coroot service/coroot-coroot 8080:8080
Then, you can access Coroot at http://localhost:8080
To deploy Coroot using Docker Compose, run the following command. Before applying it, you can review the configuration file in Coroot's GitHub repository: docker-compose.yaml
curl -fsS | \
docker compose -f - up -d
If you installed Coroot on your desktop machine, you can access it at http://localhost:8080/. If Coroot is deployed on a remote node, replace NODE_IP_ADDRESS
with the IP address of the node in the following URL: http://NODE_IP_ADDRESS:8080/.
Deploy the Coroot stack to your cluster by running the following command on the manager node. Before applying, you can review the configuration file in Coroot's GitHub repository: docker-swarm-stack.yaml
curl -fsS | \
docker stack deploy -c - coroot
Since Docker Swarm doesn't support privileged containers, you'll have to manually deploy coroot-node-agent on each cluster node. Just replace NODE_IP
with any node's IP address in the Docker Swarm cluster.
docker run --detach --name coroot-node-agent \
--pull=always \
--privileged --pid host \
-v /sys/kernel/tracing:/sys/kernel/tracing:rw \
-v /sys/kernel/debug:/sys/kernel/debug:rw \
-v /sys/fs/cgroup:/host/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \ \
--cgroupfs-root=/host/sys/fs/cgroup \
Access Coroot through any node in your Docker Swarm cluster using its published port: http://NODE_IP:8080.
Coroot requires a Prometheus server with the Remote Write Receiver enabled, along with a ClickHouse server. For detailed steps on installing all the necessary components on an Ubuntu/Debian node, refer to the full instructions.
To install Coroot, run the following command:
curl -sfL | \
sh -
Install coroot-node-agent to every node within your infrastructure:
curl -sfL | \
sh -
Access Coroot at: http://COROOT_NODE_IP:8080.
Coroot requires a Prometheus server with the Remote Write Receiver enabled, along with a ClickHouse server. For detailed steps on installing all the necessary components on an Ubuntu/Debian node, refer to the full instructions.
To install Coroot, run the following command:
curl -sfL | \
sh -
Install coroot-node-agent to every node within your infrastructure:
curl -sfL | \
sh -
Access Coroot at: http://COROOT_NODE_IP:8080.