--listen | LISTEN | | Listen address in the format ip:port or :port . |
--url-base-path | URL_BASE_PATH | / | Base URL to run Coroot at a sub-path, e.g., /coroot/ . |
--data-dir | DATA_DIR | /data | Path to the data directory. |
--cache-ttl | CACHE_TTL | 720h | Cache Time-To-Live (TTL). |
--cache-gc-interval | CACHE_GC_INTERVAL | 10m | Cache Garbage Collection (GC) interval. |
--pg-connection-string | PG_CONNECTION_STRING | | PostgreSQL connection string (uses SQLite if not set). |
--disable-usage-statistics | DISABLE_USAGE_STATISTICS | false | Disable usage statistics. |
--read-only | READ_ONLY | false | Enable read-only mode where configuration changes don't take effect. |
--do-not-check-slo | DO_NOT_CHECK_SLO | false | Do not check Service Level Objective (SLO) compliance. |
--do-not-check-for-deployments | DO_NOT_CHECK_FOR_DEPLOYMENTS | false | Do not check for new deployments. |
--do-not-check-for-updates | DO_NOT_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES | false | Do not check for new versions. |
--auth-anonymous-role | AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ROLE | | Disable authentication and assign one of the following roles to the anonymous user: Admin, Editor, or Viewer. |
--auth-bootstrap-admin-password | AUTH_BOOTSTRAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD | | Password for the default Admin user. |
--license-key | LICENSE_KEY | | License key for Coroot Enterprise Edition. |
--global-clickhouse-address | GLOBAL_CLICKHOUSE_ADDRESS | | The address of the ClickHouse server to be used for all projects. |
--global-clickhouse-user | GLOBAL_CLICKHOUSE_USER | | The username for the ClickHouse server to be used for all projects. |
--global-clickhouse-password | GLOBAL_CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD | | The password for the ClickHouse server to be used for all projects. |
--global-clickhouse-initial-database | GLOBAL_CLICKHOUSE_INITIAL_DATABASE | | The initial database on the ClickHouse server to be used for all projects. Coroot will automatically create and manage a dedicated database for each project within the server. |
--global-clickhouse-tls-enabled | GLOBAL_CLICKHOUSE_TLS_ENABLED | | Whether TLS is enabled for the ClickHouse server connection (true or false). |
--global-clickhouse-tls-skip-verify | GLOBAL_CLICKHOUSE_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY | | Whether to skip verification of the ClickHouse server's TLS certificate (true or false). |
--global-prometheus-url | GLOBAL_PROMETHEUS_URL | | The URL of the Prometheus server to be used for all projects. |
--global-prometheus-tls-skip-verify | GLOBAL_PROMETHEUS_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY | false | Whether to skip verification of the Prometheus server's TLS certificate (true or false). |
--global-refresh-interval | GLOBAL_REFRESH_INTERVAL | 15s | The interval for refreshing Prometheus data. |
--global-prometheus-user | GLOBAL_PROMETHEUS_USER | | The username for the Prometheus server to be used for all projects. |
--global-prometheus-password | GLOBAL_PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD | | The password for the Prometheus server to be used for all projects. |
--global-prometheus-custom-headers | GLOBAL_PROMETHEUS_CUSTOM_HEADERS | | Custom headers to include in requests to the Prometheus server. |